
President of Seychelles wishes continued strong economy, good health for nation in 2020

President Danny Faure in his New Year message called on Seychellois to start 2020 with the same determination and enthusiasm which has already brought great success to the island nation.
Faure wished all Seychellois a Happy New Year 2020.
In his message, the President said that 2019 has ended with two great achievements.
“Firstly, data shows that our economic indicators are very strong. We ended the year as a country with a stable economy that is in good health. Secondly, we are classed as a country with a very high human development index, the only country in the African region and the Indian Ocean,” he said.
The head of state attributed the successes “to the hard work and devotion of each and every citizen toward the progress of our country – an extraordinary accomplishment for a small country. For this, I salute the Seychellois people. Thank you for your contribution.”
This year is the start of the final decade for all countries to join forces to work hard to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations.
Faure called on all Seychellois, each to their own capacity, to work together to achieve these objectives “that will allow us to live in a Seychelles that is better and a world that is better.”
He added that 2020 the island nation will also celebrate 250 years since the first settlers arrived in Seychelles, a group of islands in the western Indian Ocean.
“This will be a historic, unique and extraordinary moment for us all. Yes, Seychellois brothers and sisters, there is a lot for us to celebrate,” said Faure.
2019 marked the end of a decade for the world, a decade that saw Seychelles continue on a path of progress and transformation and Faure said that as a people “we remained united despite the challenges faced locally and internationally. I thank you all for this.”
Faure said that presidential elections will be held this year and it the people of Seychelles who will determine the outcome.
“Let us hold the elections in peace, in unity, in tranquillity and stability. We must never forget that Seychelles is bigger than us all. Our unity is the force of our country. Discipline and vision are the keys to progress. Let us stay determined, and let us concentrate on our vision for Seychelles. We need to maintain peace between each other,” he added.
On his side, the Leader of the Opposition, Wavel Ramkalawan, in his New Year message, said that one of the most important celebrations in 2020 will be the 250th anniversary since the first settlers came to Seychelles.
He said this will make us remember that Seychelles is a young nation compared to other countries and Seychellois will have a lot of reflection to do.
“Let us start with ourselves, look at our circumstance if we are working in a way that will really bring us the result for us to support our families, our children, our youth who today are faced with many challenges,” said Ramkalawan.
He said that it is also important for Seychellois to “look at our communities and our country because this is also our responsibility.”
Ramkalawan said that this year, Seychellois have an important decision to make and this is the presidential elections.
“In a certain way, this election is more important than those held before because it will be a defining point in our history. It will determine if we will progress in a definite way or if we will continue to stall,” he added.
Ramkalawan made a special mention of the youth who are no longer in school to be careful of negative behaviours that can destroy their future.
He also called on all workers to give a little more and wished them courage so they can really give their all and help reconstruct the country.
The Leader of the Opposition expressed his wish that this year, businesses get better conditions and that the country gives Seychellois businesses more encouragement.
In wishing all Seychellois a Happy New Year, Ramkalawan expressed his wish that 2020 is a good year for Seychelles and for all Seychellois.
Source: Seychelles News Agency