Planned skydiving event in Seychelles in October envisions return of (free-falling) tourists


Planned skydiving event in Seychelles in October envisions return of (free-falling) tourists

A first-ever skydiving event in Seychelles is set to take place in October, and skydivers across the world are invited to participate and get an aerial view of the island nation.
The two-week skydiving event which starts on October 15 is known as the ‘Innhopp Experience’ and is being hosted by Fly Seychelles — a recently launched project.  
The initiator of the project, Francesco Drosi, told SNA on Wednesday that the event will help boost the tourism industry now that it is facing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 
“We have already booked 75 rooms from hotels around the country. Many tourists will come repeatedly for holidays here just to be able to participate in this event again in future, therefore it will be a great attraction for them,” said Drosi.
Participants wishing to take part in the event can contact Fly Seychelles on 2877351 or email to

The two-week skydiving event which starts on October 15 is known as the ‘Innhopp Experience. (Francesco Drosi/Seychelles Nation) Photo License: CC-BY 
Skydiving is a sport of jumping from an aircraft at a moderate or high altitude and free-falling and using one’s body to control direction or movements before opening one’s parachute.
“This is a very new type of event for Seychelles. The participants would land in some of the most beautiful parts of the country and the children will enjoy watching all the landings,” said Drosi.
Around 76 participants from 28 different countries are expected to take part in the event among whom will be 10 world record holders as well as eight wingsuiters.
Among the countries that will be participating are Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Angola, Germany, France, South Africa, Slovenia and Namibia.
During the event, each day around 40 skydivers will free-fall and land at different locations in Seychelles, an archipelago in the western Indian Ocean. 

Around 76 participants from 28 different countries are expected to take part in the event. (Francesco Drosi/Seychelles Nation) Photo License: CC-BY 
Drosi, who has over 20 years of experience as a skydiver, said that the idea came about when he was involved in a similar project in Namibia with Evan Rokne, who is the creator of such events. 
“It was a thrilling moment with the landing located between flocks of rhinos and leopards – a moment I will not forget,” said Drosi.
At least 15 Seychellois have been invited by Fly Seychelles to jump free and they will be trained prior to the event by three top instructors coming to Seychelles. 
“We already have a lot of people showing interest locally to participate in the event. In future, we are planning to have a school for skydiving and anyone is free to come to Seychelles to learn how it is done. It is fun if you are adrenaline junky,” said Drosi.
Every Skydiver will be jumping with the flag of their own country, and the Seychelles flag will be represented by Drosi. 
Source: Seychelles News Agency