Blue Economy, health discussed as Seychelles’ president greets Norway, Malta ambassadors


Blue Economy, health discussed as Seychelles’ president greets Norway, Malta ambassadors

The ocean, blue economy and maritime security were the focus of discussions between the Seychelles’ president and newly accredited Norwegian ambassador.
Elin Rognlie, the ambassador of Norway to Seychelles, presented her credentials to President Danny Faure at State House, Victoria, on Tuesday.
“Norway and  Seychelles have a lot in common and we are both very dependent on the ocean, so the ocean and the blue economy were a very important part of our discussion,” said Rognlie.
She added that “as part of that is also maritime security, where Seychelles has been a country that has participated and done a good effort to hinder piracy on the ocean and to prosecute it.”
“We are very pleased with the efforts of Seychelles,” said Rognlie. 
In addition to resource management, marine litter was also a point discussed as “this is part of the Norwegian effort.”
Rognlie, the third Norwegian ambassador to Seychelles, will be based in Nairobi, Kenya.
Also accredited on Tuesday in a separate ceremony was Francesca Azaïs, the new ambassador of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.

Francesca Azaïs, the new ambassador of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta was also accredited on Tuesday. (Jude Morel) Photo License: CC-BY
Azaïs aims at improving cooperation with Seychelles in the health sector.
“Improving our cooperation especially in the field of health because it is our aim to improve the health services in developing countries. Seychelles has a fantastic health system but our help can be useful in specific areas,” she said.
Diplomatic relations between Seychelles and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta were established on June 7 1994.
“The country is not new to me and I am well integrated. I have worked for Seychelles in the past years and will continue to do so with great enthusiasm. My desire is to implement our cooperation and to give it new momentum,” Azaïs said.
Azaïs has been the Chargé d’Affaires of the Order to Seychelles since 2005. Since the opening of the embassy in the island nation in 2001, donations of seven ambulances and medical equipment have been made to Seychelles.
She told the press that during the two weeks prior to presenting her credentials, “I had already started making contacts at high levels to make headway with the programme, especially with the ministry of health.”
She added that it will take several months for projects to start materialising.
The ambassador of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta is based in the northern district of Glacis in Seychelles, a group of 115 islands in the western Indian Ocean.
Source: Seychelles News Agency