Amid strange COVID electoral season, United Seychelles launches app to bring people together


Amid strange COVID electoral season, United Seychelles launches app to bring people together

The United Seychelles party on Friday launched a mobile application – “Koste”- (“Come Together” in Creole) which will be the official campaign platform for the upcoming presidential and legislative elections in October.
The launch at the Eden Bleu Hotel was made by the party’s presidential candidate, the current President, Danny Faure.
When addressing the guests, among whom were over 150 first-time voters, Faure said that due to COVID-19, election campaigns will be different than previous years where there were mass gatherings.
He described the “Koste” app as an innovative and useful tool that will allow the supporters and activists to stay connected and keep abreast with what is happening within the party, and make informed decisions in the run-up to the elections.
Faure dedicated the app to the young people of Seychelles, whom he said are the hope for the island nation in the western Indian Ocean.
“I am giving you a tool and seeking your help to spread our campaign message which is a call for everybody to come together for Seychelles. The app is a means of communication that will allow you to interact and share positive messages, follow our campaigns and help us spread this message,” he added.  

The launch was made in a ceremony at the Eden Bleu Hotel. (Rassin Vannier, Seychelles News Agency) Photo License: CC-BY
The app’s features include news, E-rally, events calendar, and online registration as well as ‘Ask the President’, where supporters will be able to interact directly with their presidential candidate. Young people will also be able to sign up as volunteers.
Faure’s message of togetherness was echoed by his running mate, Maurice Loustau-Lalanne, who said he appreciated the vision to launch an app for this political campaign where he could remain engaged with the population, especially the young people.
“Mr Faure has always remained connected and engaged with the Seychellois people, with what is happening and what is most important in the country. Today there is the need to save the economy. He has looked for a way to remain connected and engaged and I therefore call on you to come together for Seychelles,” said Loustau-Lalanne.
United Seychelles launched its campaign slogan – “Koste Pour Sesel” –  or “Come Together for Seychelles” at the beginning of the month.
The presidential and legislative elections in Seychelles, an archipelago in the western Indian Ocean, have been set for October 22-24.  
Source: Seychelles News Agency