Category: Press Releases
Gouvernman avek Dyosez Katolik Sesel pe travay ansanm pou etabli en sant reabilitasyon kont labi sibstans
Gouvernman pe travay an partenarya avek Dyosez Katolik Sesel pou etabli en proze apele ‘Ferme De L'Espoir’, en proze reabilitasyon pou bann zenn ki’n [...]
ARID in fer sorti son rapor anyel lo trafik imen
ARID in fer sorti son rapor anyel lo trafik imen pou lannen 2023, kot in dir ki i annan travayer imigran isi sesel ki tonm dan serten kategori trafik [...]

SBC launches Leko, its new Audio-on-Demand service
The Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation has officially launched ‘Leko’, its new Audio-onDemand service, available via the Radyo Sesel and Paradise FM [...]

SBC launches Policy on Faith-based Content
The SBC has outlined how it aims to ensure that all registered faith-based organisations are treated equitably in the allocation of airtime on its pl [...]

The SBC’s policies on Political Press Conference and Airtime Quota for Political Parties are sincere endeavours aimed at supporting our developing democracy
In reference to the ‘Op-Ed’ in the edition of Friday 01st April of the Seychelles Nation, entitled “Never start something you cannot stop.”
View [...]

SBC publishes its Report for the period 2017- 2021
The Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation has published its first-ever report, as required under its Act, providing a comprehensive account of the Corp [...]

United Seychelles Press Conferences are not banned on SBC
Following statements made by the Leader of the Opposition in National Assembly on Tuesday 29th March 2022, the SBC is making it clear that it has [...]

SBC rejects allegations of bias and ill-intent by journalists and asks Politicians to substantiate their allegations
The SBC is reacting to the statements made by the President last evening in his Live PressConference, and statements made by the Leader of the Opposi [...]

SBC rejects allegations of bias and ill-intent by journalists and asks Politicians to substantiate their allegations
The SBC is reacting to the statements made by the President last evening in his Live Press Conference, and statements made by the Leader of the Oppos [...]

SBC Audience Survey 2021
The SBC would like to thank members of the public who participated in its 2021 AudienceSurvey, undertaken between the 1st and 22nd December 2021.